Women in Business Initiative

Vietnam Finance Society is proud to introduce the Women Empowerment Series, consisting of spotlight webinars and fireside chats with leading Vietnamese women figures and experienced professionals in finance and business. Throughout the series, we will hold meaningful conversations to discuss their journeys to success, gender equality, and explore the tools and resources they have used to succeed as women leaders.

By creating an open and engaging environment for discussion and a sense of community, VFS hopes to empower young women to achieve their professional potential at each career stage. In the long term, VFS would like to equip and advocate for a future where professionals across gender diversity could be recognized and supported in delivering values of equal importance and impact.

Series Summary

VFS Women in Business a long-term series of webinar-style spotlight discussions and intimate fireside chats with leading Vietnamese women figures and experienced professionals in various sub-sectors of finance. We hope to have some meetings in a brunch or coffee chat format in person, if possible in the future.

The Series aims to offer candid and engaging discussions to help young women successfully navigate the workplace and advance in their careers.

Series Components

The series will have intimate discussions with monthly rotation on different themes: Career Development, Entrepreneurship, Personal Finance, Financial Technology, etc. This rotation can be subject to change based on speakers’ availability and expertise.

In order to improve audience engagement and create high-impact value, the Spotlight webinars and Fireside Chats will have the following differences in format:

Spotlight webinars are open to the public, while Fireside Chats are private, invite-only and intimately-sized.

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