I am not a Vietnamese or working in Finance. Can I get involved?

  • Yes, Vietnam Finance Society (VFS) welcomes diversity and inclusion. It promotes the sharing of information, continued education, and thought leadership. People attending and joining Vietnam Finance Society can find peers, mentors, and connections that may be beneficial for their career development and business. Preferred language of the organization is English.
    VFS is committed to providing members with basic finance knowledge such as financial planning and personal wealth management. Those topics are proven to be beneficial to all people including those not in finance.

What is the legal status of Vietnam Finance Society? 

  • Vietnam Finance Society is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

Can Vietnam Finance Society help me to be a better investor?

  • Vietnam Finance Society is not a financial adviser or registered broker-dealer. Vietnam Finance Society aims to be a premier forum for members to exchange information, continue education, promote thought leadership, and empower career development through mentorship and career advice from industry leaders. However, we do not guarantee the events will help you making better investment decisions.

How can I get involved?

  • We would love to get more members and welcome ideas. Vietnam Finance Society is structured with a Board of Directors, executive members and different committees, which are a community of like-minded individuals who share professional interests, build networks, and exchange actionable ideas. Many long terms, trusting, and profitable relationship can be developed within these groups. An example of the group you may want to join/ start is Wealth Management and Personal Finance; FinTech; VC/ PE; Investment Banking; Sales and Trading; Women in Finance; etc.,

  • We always look for people with ideas to join our Managing Board to lead and manage various VFS’s operations such as technology, legal and compliance, finance, membership, marketing, and corporate development. We look for volunteers too. We need your help in organizing events, finding venues and suggesting potential speakers. We need people with talents who can help us with designing posters, newsletters and editing videos.

  • And lastly, Vietnam Finance Society will be a tax-exempted organization. Monetary donations and gifts are appreciated to kick-start our organization and programs.

I have an idea; how can I help?

  • Great! We would love to hear and maybe you want to be a member of the Managing Board or a member of the Board of Directors. For the first step, please email us at vfsocietyorg@gmail.com. We listen to your suggestions.

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